We have had 2 ducks that have been coming back to our house everyday. Our next door neighbor Kalyana affectionately named them Mavis and Tina when they first started visiting in the spring. They come to the back door and start quacking until we bring them some bread. Hailey and Sam get a big kick out of feeding them. Hailey is very protective and gets mad at anyone (most of the time it is Sam) who tries to scare them away. She yells, "SAM-U-WALL, NO SCARE THE DUCKS!!" Sam even says ducks when he sees them. Anyway, tonight while I was getting the kids ready for bed, I heard quacking and asked Hailey if the ducks were there and she said she could only see the mommy duck. We took some bread out to her and she just kept quacking and looking around. I know this might sound totally wierd, but she (the duck) actually looked sad. Admit it, you are probably thinking, "Wow, Emily has totally lost it, she has dedicated this whole post to a couple of ducks." Well, I feel like the ducks have sort of become part-time pets for us and I am really worried about Mavis. He was so sweet to Tina, I think they were really in love. While they were eating, Mavis would kind of just stand there all protective of Tina and looking around making sure that she was safe. I hope we will see Mavis again tomorrow, I will definitely keep everyone posted!